When the President were given into an accident, Shirotani Tadaomi met Kurose. On their first actual meeting,
Kurose ought to tell proper away that Shirotani is Mysophobic and stated that it’s quite bad whilst suggesting it would be better to consult a medical doctor approximately it.
Shirotani became left perturbed by means of the stumble upon. Who is Kurose? And how became he in a position to tell Shirotani’s condition?
「黒瀬くんといると、少しだけ 普通の人になったみたいに錯覚する」 潔癖症の社長秘書・城谷は 偶然出会ったカウンセラーの黒瀬から、 潔癖症を克服するための 個人的なカウンセリングを受けることになる。 10項目を1つずつクリアする療法を進めるうち、 次第に黒瀬に惹かれていく城谷だが……? 無愛想なカウンセラーと潔癖症の社長秘書、 センシティヴな恋のセラピー。
*This CD has Manga Drama CD version, you can watch it: HERE