Michi to no souguu
- Comedy, Romance, Slice of life
- April 11, 2018
- 未知との遭遇
- Shingaki Tarusuke, Soma Saito
- Koshino
Honda and Shibuya work at the same company and live in the same apartment complex. One day while Honda was doing his laundry, he noticed something unusual…it was panties!
Shibuya comes rushing in and finds that he had left one of his precious men’s lingerie! Shibuya tries to explain to Honda his lingerie fetish and at first Honda didn’t care but he slowly got sucked into it and became infatuated with Shibuya’s lingerie fetish and ending up pulling down his pants to see Shibuya wearing strawberry print panties! And the pantie pursuit starts!
パンツ大好きvコレクターなリーマン・渋谷は、 先輩の本田にひょんなコトからその趣味を知られ、 精神的恥辱(笑)をあびせられる日々を過ごしていた。 しかしなんとその本田が渋谷のことを好きだと口説いてきた! そしてその愛をささやいた口でイジメる!! 本田の小学生並の愛情表現に渋谷はキレまくり、 毎日大ゲンカ――――のハズが、お二人さん、エッチしてますけど!? 妙齢リーマン二人、異常な恋愛に未知との遭遇中!!